Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Today is Sunday, and the project is due tomorrow. The final step in the project is just to put it all together. We have the code written for the arduino, the motion sensor is working, the wave shield is connected to the arduino and allows the arduino to play the sound file for our project. everything is working good. a problem we ran into however is our enclosure that we planned on using is too small for all of our components. To fix this, we decided to buy a bird house and put our components in that. the speaker we are using came from one of the computer speakers in Resnick at Josh's work station. with everything enclosed, we realized that it just isn't loud enough. With some purchased IC chips from Radioshack, Josh and I started working on an Audio Amplifier. However with the numerous attempts, it seems that the output that goes to the speaker is just too much for the speaker to handle. We have to present our project with a power point that has the audio file included so we can play it through the classroom speakers. Emily and Kelly worked hard to finish the power point and to paint the bird house. They did an awesome job!

11/11 class

Today was a full day of working on our project. Josh received the Wave shield kit yesterday. Josh and myself went over to Resnick to solder the Wave shield and Emily and Kelly gathered the data for the sugar maple tree. After two hours of soldering all the little components to the circuit board, our wave shield was complete and the facts and script for our maple tree was done. a lot of progress was done today! I have attached the photos of the process of soldering the wave shield. 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

11/4 class

Well today was another work day. While Emily and Kelly continued the research for the facts about a specific type of tree, Josh and I started the programming. Josh also ordered the necessary part that would read the SD card that is going to have the WAV files on it. I tried to modify some code to allow us to involve interrupts in the code. For the switch we are going to use a motion sensor. Lets see how we do!

11/1 class

We finally found some answers and decided to go back to our original "educational tree" idea. instead of building 5 separate ones (which would cost us quite a bit of $$) we decided to just build one and call it a prototype for our idea. More importantly, we finally got the "OK" from the professors.